PROGRAM: SCHEDULE LANGUAGE: VISUAL BASIC AUTHOR: MICHAEL A. KOSTEN DATED: Fri 09-06-1991 This is a very simple program for scheduling batch (.BAT) and executables (.EXE and .COM) to be executed from the Windows environment at a day of week and time. When you first run the program, click the Add button. Then use the directory boxes to select a file and the combo boxes to select a day of week and time. After a file has been added to the schedule list, you can modify or delete it by clicking on the schedule line and selecting the appropriate button. The Save button saves the current list to a file (DEFAULT.SCH in the default Windows directory) which will be loaded the next time SCHEDULE is executed. Pressing the Start button begins a timer process that checks the list about once a minute to see if any item qualifies to be run. Re-selecting this button (which is now renamed to Stop) ends this process. Whenever a program or batch file is executed, the schedule list is saved to file. Exit the program using the Close option of the system menu. Please address any comments to: Michael A. Kosten 219 L Street SE Auburn, WA 98002 or contact me on Compuserv at 71520,161